Tips for Home Maintenance in the Fall

Tips for Home Maintenance in the Fall

As we head into fall, it’s time to think about getting our homes ready for the cooler weather and shorter days. But don’t worry, it’s not all chores and maintenance! Fall gives us some nice weather to work outside and get our properties all set for winter.

Get a head start on your home maintenance by considering the following tips:

  • Check your roof: Inspect your roof for any cracks, leaks or other signs of damage. If you’re not sure, consider calling in a pro to be safe.
  • Inspect your furnace: Before winter’s chill sets in, make sure your furnace is in good working order. Swap out filters if they look tired.
  • Clear gutters: Remove leaves and other debris from your gutters and downspouts to minimize flooding or freezing following precipitation.
  • Replace screens: Use this time to replace screens that may have been installed for summer with storm windows capable of withstanding winter weather.
  • Seal cracks: Look around your walls, windows, and doors for any cold air entry points. Patch up any holes or cracks you find.
  • Remove outdoor water sources: Drain any outdoor taps on your property and put away hoses to prevent remaining water from freezing during the winter.
  • Repair pavement: If you have walkways, a driveway or other pavement on your property, check for any cracks and fix them before winter. Otherwise, freezing water may cause them to expand, leading to larger problems.

With these steps, you’ll be all set to cozy up in your winter-ready home!