The Impact of AI on the Cyberthreat Landscape

The Impact of AI on the Cyberthreat Landscape

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and revolutionizing how people live and work. Its potential to propel scientific advances and bolster economic growth is apparent, but its implementation is not without significant risk. What’s more, the security risks associated with AI use are not yet fully understood, so the cyberthreat landscape could become more treacherous over time. Organizations should consider the following risks AI enhances in the cyberthreat landscape:

  • Data poisoning—Cybercriminals could “poison” the data used to train AI tools to influence their decision-making. Through corrupt training data, AI models may learn incorrect or biased information, which threat actors can exploit for malicious gains. Data poisoning could also lead to a rise in stealth attacks, where manipulated training data creates vulnerabilities that are difficult to detect during the testing process but can be exploited later.
  • Automated malware—Although AI tools have protections to prevent users from creating malicious code, threat actors are rapidly finding ways to overcome these. Natural language processing (NLP) tools like ChatGPT could help threat actors create automated malicious software (malware) at record speeds. As these tools advance, the barrier to entry for malicious actors may lower; even those with entry-level programming skills may be able to create sophisticated malware, increasing the volume of successful compromises.
  • Social engineering attacks—AI can already facilitate convincing interaction with victims, and the persuasive nature of these social engineering attacks may only deepen as this technology evolves. For instance, NLP tools can help criminals craft plausible phishing emails without the spelling and grammatical mistakes that ordinarily reveal them as spam. Additionally, snippets of a target’s voice can be used to train AI algorithms to create convincing deepfake attacks (e.g., mimicking a manager’s voice to trick an employee into revealing sensitive information).

It’s worth noting that AI has also brought about significant advances in cybersecurity, particularly automated threat detection and response. Therefore, understanding both AI’s merits and potential pitfalls is critical.

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