Protect Commercial Properties From Snow Loads

Protect Commercial Properties From Snow Loads

Major snow events can impact the integrity of a structure, making it imperative for commercial property owners to understand their buildings’ characteristics and structural systems prior to the start of the snow season. Having familiarity with the building structure can help owners determine if any changes occurred during a major snow event and if repairs are necessary. A proper commercial building inspection can reveal the actual condition of the property and give owners the opportunity to fix any problems before the snow season begins.

Consider the following tactics to mitigate damage and identify any potential issues:

  • Perform a detailed inspection. Thoroughly inspect surface membranes, roof vents, flashing, field tears, gutters and drainage pipes for cracks, split seams, buckling, loose parts, staining, mould and rot.
  • Clean debris. Ensure the roof is clear of fallen branches, leaves and garbage. Debris can prevent water from draining, which allows snow to build up and cause water damage or add weight to the structure.
  • Look for pooling water. Keep an eye out for areas where water pools, as this could be an indication of a clogged drain or slow-draining line.
  • Check the flashing. Inspect the flashing—the thin material used to direct water away from certain areas on the roof—for cracks or crevices that may allow water to enter.
  • Inspect the downspouts. Ensure downspouts are properly attached to the gutters, clear of debris and that their termination bars are sealed.

Major snow events can cause a lot of damage to a commercial structure, especially if it hasn’t been properly inspected and maintained. Therefore, commercial property owners should ensure that their buildings are prepared for winter weather by inspecting the structures and making any necessary repairs. For more information, contact us today.

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