Prioritize Safety Over the Holidays

Prioritize Safety Over the Holidays

Ensuring a Secure and Joyful Season

Safety While Travelling

The holiday season is a bustling time, with many Canadians travelling to meet family or enjoy vacations. While these journeys bring excitement, they also introduce various risks. When away from home, even minor incidents can escalate, affecting your plans and finances. Here are essential tips for a smooth holiday travel experience:

  1. Prepare Backup Plans: Unexpected changes can derail travel plans. Have alternative routes, flights, or accommodations in mind to quickly adapt.
  2. Monitor Weather Conditions: Adverse weather can disrupt travel. Stay informed and be ready to adjust your plans accordingly.
  3. Pack Smart: Tailor your packing to your travel itinerary. If driving, include an emergency roadside kit.
  4. Secure Your Home: To prevent burglaries, have someone collect your mail and maintain your property. Be discreet about your travel plans on social media.
  5. Consider Travel Insurance: For peace of mind, travel insurance can cover cancellations, delays, illnesses, and luggage issues.

Decorating Safely

Holiday decorations bring festive cheer, but safety should always come first. Follow these guidelines to enjoy a safe and sparkling holiday:

  1. Follow Safety Instructions: Adhere to all guidelines for decorative lights and electrical installations.
  2. Inspect Lighting: Check new and old lights for damage. Discard any with cracks, exposed wires, or loose connections.
  3. Manage Electrical Load: Limit connections to three sets of lights per extension cord.
  4. Unplug When Unattended: Always unplug lights and decorations when not in use, especially overnight.
  5. Position Trees Safely: Keep Christmas trees away from heat sources and limit their indoor stay to two weeks to prevent fire risks.
  6. Child and Pet Safety: Place fragile ornaments and toxic plants like holly berries and mistletoe out of reach.
  7. Use Safe Outlets: For outdoor lights, utilize ground fault circuit interrupters and keep plugs clear of snow and water.

Auto Safety

Winter driving demands extra caution. Follow these steps to keep your vehicle and passengers safe:

  1. Battery Check: Test and replace your car’s battery if needed.
  2. Vehicle Maintenance: Ensure heating, cooling, and defrosting systems are operational. Check oil, antifreeze, and wiper fluid levels.
  3. Emergency Preparedness: Carry a snow shovel, ice scraper, spare tire, and a well-stocked emergency kit in your vehicle.
  4. Tire Care: Regularly check tire pressure, as cold temperatures can cause deflation, affecting traction.

To learn more about personal insurance and safeguarding your family, contact CMB Insurance at 780.424.2727 or click here for a quote.