Cyber Hygiene Best Practices

Cyber Hygiene Best Practices

Cyber hygiene refers to habitual practices that ensure critical data and digital systems are handled safely and protected from cyberattacks. Cyber hygiene is increasingly vital for organizations of all types and sizes, not least because almost 30% of businesses experienced a cybersecurity breach in 2022, according to a Canadian Internet Registration Authority report. Organizations that fail to leverage cyber hygiene best practices could leave critical systems vulnerable, potentially resulting in financial losses, regulatory penalties and reputational damage. To protect your organization, consider cyber hygiene best practices for the following factors:

  • Passwords—The use of strong passwords—containing at least 12 characters and a mix of upper- and lowercase letters plus symbols and numbers—that are changed regularly is an essential cyber hygiene practice. Ensure users don’t share passwords or repeatedly use them across different accounts.
  • Multifactor authentication—Limit cybercriminals’ opportunity to steal data by ensuring important accounts, including email, social media and banking apps, require multifactor authentication.
  • Data backups—Back up essential files in a separate location, such as on an external hard drive or in the cloud.
  • Firewalls—Utilize a network firewall to prevent unauthorized users from accessing company websites, emails and other sources of information accessed through the internet.
  • Security software—Employ high-quality antivirus software to perform automatic device scans to detect and remove malicious software and provide protection from various online threats and security breaches.
  • Employee education—Employees are one of your organization’s most significant cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Arrange cybersecurity training to teach employees to identify phishing attacks, social engineering and other cyberthreats.

Overall, daily routines, good behaviours and occasional checkups can make all the difference in ensuring your organization’s cyber health is optimal.

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