Business Energy Saving Tips

Business Energy Saving Tips

It’s prudent for organizations to scrutinize their energy consumption to determine where they can make savings. As well as freeing up additional funds to use elsewhere, reducing energy consumption can help organizations lower their overall carbon emissions, which is increasingly important to both consumers and employees. In fact, 40% of consumers choose brands that have environmentally sustainable values, according to professional services company Deloitte. Additionally, research suggests that many employees are seeking environmentally friendly employers. Reducing energy consumption may help organizations save money, improve their reputation, and attract and retain workers. Consider the following business energy saving tips:

  • Be consumption savvy. It may sound obvious, but turning off appliances when not in use is one quick way to save energy. In fact, utilizing the sleep mode features on computers can save up to $30 per year per computer, according to the government-backed program Energy Star. Additionally, installing motion sensors in corridors and bathrooms can help ensure that workers use lights only when required. Organizations could also consider the merits of smart meters to spot specific energy-heavy tasks and provide insight into further avenues for improvement.
  • Uphold rigorous maintenance procedures. Cleaning appliances (including any kitchen fridge) and servicing HVAC systems can help ensure they work at optimal efficiency levels. Additionally, managers could rearrange furniture and workspaces to improve airflow and maximize heaters’ output.
  • Educate employees. Rather than lecturing workers, employers should reinforce the importance of a collaborative approach when reducing energy usage and make clear that energy-saving measures are designed to create a more comfortable environment for everyone.
  • Consider renewable energy. While expensive initially, renewable energy sources—such as solar panels—can significantly reduce consumption in the long run, so they may be a worthy consideration for certain businesses.

Finally, it may be prudent for organizations to arrange a professional energy audit to identify concerns and suggest tailored solutions when considering ways to reduce energy consumption.

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