Building Employee Skills With Microlearning

Building Employee Skills With Microlearning

Employers today face many challenges. Among them are attraction and retention and internal skills gaps. According to LinkedIn’s 2022 Workplace Learning Report, 79 per cent of learning and development (L&D) leaders agree that it’s less expensive to reskill a current employee than hire a new one. The costs of reviewing applications, processing candidates, conducting interviews, training and purchasing equipment for new hires aren’t only monetary—they also result in lost time and productivity, which can negatively impact company culture. Further, leaving current and future skills gaps unaddressed can lead to lost productivity and increased associated costs.

Thankfully, there are strategies employers can implement to bolster skills development. The LinkedIn report also states that 72 per cent of L&D leaders agree that employee upskilling and education have become more strategic in their organizations. While employers can approach L&D in various ways, many are leveraging new techniques, such as microlearning, which provides a cheap, feasible and time-friendly opportunity to build employee skills.

This article explores microlearning and how it can be implemented within an organization to improve employee engagement and address skills gaps.

Microlearning Explained

Through microlearning, information is presented in small segments and in ways it can be easily absorbed in a short span of time. Further, this information can be presented in various ways.

Some examples of bite-sized learning include:

  • Animations
  • E-books
  • Flashcards
  • Gamification modules
  • Infographics
  • Interactive PDFs
  • Music
  • Podcasts
  • Quizzes

Microlearning can help employers use small chunks of information to address workers’ demands for increased learning opportunities. These methods are often accessible via the internet, and many of these options are free—making microlearning feasible where budgets may not allow for more expensive learning resources. Microlearning is also flexible and can be presented in various ways, such as through phone apps or cloud-based learning systems. In addition, because shorter content may be easier for people to understand, this approach can help lead to increased employee engagement.

However, the catch to microlearning is that it needs to be contextualized to be effective. Generally, people need to be exposed to a subject for a substantial amount of time before they can grasp it and expand their knowledge.

In other words, short bits of uncontextualized information are unlikely to be effective when presented to employees. As a result, it is better to use microlearning to enhance previous knowledge or, when such knowledge is limited, to teach relatively simple topics.

Strategies for Implementing Microlearning

There are several ways that microlearning can be implemented. Consider the following strategies:

  • Use it to reinforce previous training. Context is important for people to be able to absorb new information. For microlearning to be most effective, employees should have some knowledge in the area of training. Using microlearning to reinforce things employees have already been trained on is an excellent way to ensure adequate context on the topic.
  • Apply it to simple subjects. On average, microlearning involves segments of information that are around 10 to 13 minutes long. Aim to cover only simple issues, as that amount of time is likely not long enough to explain a complex topic. By covering simple subjects, microlearning is more likely to be effective as there won’t be an overload of information.
  • Choose the right learning environment. Microlearning can be presented in many different ways. Consider your organization and employees when determining which learning environment best suits your needs. For example, you could choose a learning management system or something like a virtual reality presentation.
  • Include action steps. Find ways to engage employees by asking them to apply what they have learned. Try asking a question or two about the information presented so they can use their new knowledge.

While many types of learning are available, employers must be selective and focus on the formats that will engage their workforces and meet their needs. As such, microlearning could be a practical approach to reinforce more significant learning initiatives.

Employer Takeaway

Addressing skills gaps and attraction and retention challenges are key concerns for employers. To keep up, organizations must accommodate employee desires, such as access to better learning opportunities. Microlearning is one of several ways employers can help meet this demand and expand their employees’ knowledge base.

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