Avoiding Struck-by Incidents

Avoiding Struck-by Incidents

Approximately 3 per cent of workplace fatalities in 2020 were due to struck-by incidents, according to a report from the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada.

Struck-by hazards are present when a worker could be injured by forcible contact or impact with an object or piece of equipment. Common struck-by hazards include:

  • Flying objects—Struck-by hazards can result from objects when such items are thrown, hurled, ejected or propelled across a space.
  • Falling objects—Objects may pose struck-by hazards when they are unexpectedly dropped or released from an elevated area to a lower level.
  • Swinging objects—Items can present struck-by hazards when they twist or turn out of control while lifted into the air.
  • Rolling objects—Struck-by hazards can occur when objects move or slide on the same level employees are located.

To avoid struck-by incidents and stay safe on the job, follow these precautions:

  • Wear eye, face and head protection based on anticipated hazards and in line with company-specific personal protective equipment requirements.
  • Receive proper safety training before operating vehicles, machines, powder-actuated tools and power tools.
  • Inspect vehicles, machines and tools before use and confirm safety guards are in place and working correctly. Operate vehicles, machines and tools in line with manufacturer instructions.
  • Wear high-visibility clothing when working near moving vehicles. Never cross the paths of moving vehicles and follow all exit, entry and escape routes in worksite traffic plans.
  • Keep worksite materials with the potential to become airborne sufficiently stacked and secured to prevent them from sliding, falling or collapsing.
  • Make sure all tools and materials are secure before performing overhead work. Leverage toe boards, screens, guardrails and debris nets as needed when conducting such work.
  • Be alert to the location of any heavy equipment at the worksite, whether it’s in use or not. Stay clear of any loads being lifted by heavy equipment. Never work under suspended loads and beware of unbalanced loads.
  • Attend and pay close attention during any additional workplace-specific safety training sessions regarding struck-by hazards.

For more information on insurance and safety best practices, or to find out how to reduce your insurance costs call CMB at 780.424.2727 or click here to get a quote